Saturday, November 3, 2012

Learning Resource Center

A list of tutors available at the Learning Resource Center

Arguably the most beneficial places at Hassayampa for academics are the Student Learning Resource Center and the Writing Center. Here students can stop by and receive help with their homework from upperclassmen and post graduates in a quick and painless process from 1pm-11pm on weekdays. Another really cool fact is they are located right inside the Hassy building itself! So when it is 9:45 at night and your assignment is due at 10, you can run downstairs real fast and have your question answered quickly and efficiently with hardly any hassle.

In the lobby, there is a check-in counter where you are assigned a table and tutor so there are no questions as to who your helper is and where to find them. Once inside, the tutors will do their best to show you how to do a problem or explain why your answer is wrong in a straightforward and simple explanation. An interesting characteristic of the learning center is how the tutors work on the problems. Instead of carrying around note pads or sheets of blank paper, the tables are covered in white paper cloth, so the tutor can sit down and write the problem and solution right on the table. This is very helpful to a person that is having trouble understanding the mechanics of a math problem or having difficulty deciphering an economics graph because the solution is worked out step by step right beside them. At the writing center, tutors will review your paper and answer questions directed at the strength of the thesis, supporting details and more. They try not to give you too much help actually writing the paper, though, since that would defeat the purpose of writing it yourself, but they are more than happy fixing errors and offering advice on the fluency or flow of ideas of the paper.

When I first heard about the peer tutoring center, I was a little skeptical. Sometimes having someone a year or two older may not be the best thing to help with your calc 271 homework, but take a look at the requirements the resource center holds for peer tutors. (This link will download a Word Document which shows the application requirements for being a peer tutor, I will explain which requirements I am referring to if you wish not to download the file). The Resource Center makes sure their tutors are top notch, since the Writing center requires cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 and a course GPA of 4.0 in whichever level they are tutoring at. For the Learning Center, it is a little nicer to candidates, since the overall GPA is 3.0 and the course GPA is 3.5 or higher in the tutoring areas. So do not be afraid to go to the Tutoring Center; it is free, easy, and the tutors are very nice and helpful (Tutor Application Process). Sometimes they are a little rusty with their math but they are definitely a useful resource.

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